What is VAIIB?
Visit Armenia it is Beautiful (VAIIB) is a unique Logo to promote tourism to Armenia
How did it start?
It started with E-mailing a letter to friends, organizations, Churches, schools, explaining the importance of having and distributing a recognizable Logo – Slogan.
What do we expect to accomplish?
An increase in number of tourist and visitors from throughout the World, thus improving Armenia’s economy.
How are VAIIB efforts funded?
There is no budget and no money is made by anyone. This is a noncommercial effort. No advertisements. Several Media, TV, Magazines, Newspapers throughout the world are gracefully distributing this project and logo free of charge.
What is the point?
To have this unique Logo recognized throughout the World as the tourism enhancement for Armenia.
What are VAIIB “associations”?
This projects enjoys every Armenian’s strong support. We are not affiliated with any organization or association and hope all Armenians will unconditionally unite to promote this unique endeavor.
What can Armenians do to help?
All Armenian Organizations, Churches, schools, clubs, establishments, entertainers who print flyers, news letters, programs, ad books, yearbooks, TV, magazines, newspapers to include this unique logo in their publications (it does not cost anything extra, yet it can benefit Armenia).
Are there any copyright restrictions to use the VAIIB logo?
We encourage the use and promotion of the VAIIB logo.
Please download, print and display this logo as much as possible and tell others to do the same.
The logo may not be changed or distorted.